Want to Dive
into the Deep End?
Spirit Mysteries Mystic Level offers members the opportunity to delve deeper into the mysteries by engaging in a more personal and supportive connection with your personal journey and transformation.
The Mystic Membership offers an exclusive space known as the Mystic Sanctum, One-on-One weekly live Mystic coaching, and Bi-weekly Mystic Life Support group calls with Jordan and Team Spirit. This incredible opportunity will offer you a full engagement into higher levels of accountability and focused direction on your journey to self-mastery.
The Mystic Access Includes
As a Mystic Member, you will have access to a much more direct and integrated circle of Mystic Community Members, Mystic discussions, and bi-weekly support circles, plus one-on-one coaching for your specific needs.
The Mystic Sanctum
Your safe space for community healing, support, & advisory on all aspects of life. In this holistic household, you're invited to participate in 1-on-1 coaching, group advisory, and ever-evolving discussion on topics such as the mystic arts, health, wealth, and relationships.
The Mystic Archives
Access through a Mystic Membership
This sacred library of past group-coaching sessions provides every Mystic with a library of wisdom and a treasure trove of fortune for their ease of reference.
Mystics Come Ready to
Jump into the Follow Courses
Spirit Mysteries exists to give you all of the tools and resources you need to step into a higher vibration and live life to the fullest. Within the course there is a wide variety of classes & material for you to explore from the Mystic Arts to Plant Medicine.
Note - You do not need a membership to access a course.
The Seven-Day Transformation
Normally $27/month
Over the course of one week, you will take a crown-chakra approach to your life and the whole universe, and then apply it to your life down the chakra spectrum every day until you arrive at the end, grounding all of that higher awareness and wisdom into your physical body.
Click the Icon to get the course
The 12D Shield Lightbody Activation
Normally $3/month
The 12D Shield is a deep and powerful guided meditation designed to clear your energetic field of psychic attacks, energy vampires, and other auric manipulations. It will also fortify you with a robust protective area so that it is easy for you to grow and shine like the light that you are.
Tarot Life Mastery
Normally $27/month
This is our introductory course for Tarot and the Mystic Arts, for anyone getting started with Tarot, Astrology, Numerology, Qabalah, the Tree of Life, Hermetics, and more.
The Evolution of Humanity
Normally $3/month
This complete workshop from Rythmia includes nearly 5 hours of content exploring the fall of Atlantis, the evidence and the Mystery, and what it means for us today. You will also dive deep into how you can evolve your consciousness to the highest degree, and what humanity may look like in the decades to come...
The Seven-Day Money Mindset Challenge
Normally $5/month
Use this course, complete with meditations, videos, exercises and more to completely shift your financial paradigm in just one week!
Warning: You may manifest cash!
The Library of Transformational Materials
Access through an Initiate Membership
This collection of sacred and transformative videos from across human consciousness are of a specific resonance that will support you in raising your vibration and changing your life!
The Spirit Science Collection
Access through Seeker Membership
A complete library of every Spirit Science video ever. What's better, it's ad-free! Support Spirit Science and get access to early videos for only $1/month.
Spirit Conspiracies
Access through Seeker Membership
What "they" don't want you to see. These days, the mainstream media outlets can ban content at the snap of a finger. Their algorithms decide what you see, and when you see it. This is an exclusive look at the biggest conspiracy content - free of censorship.
The Meditation Library
Access through Initiate Membership
A library of exclusive meditations you can use to create peace, abundance, and more fulfillment in your life.
The Chamber of Secrets
This is a sacred chamber of many secrets shared amongst initiates from past events, workshops, and lunar ceremonies.
Events & Activities
Members of Spirit Mysteries are invited to participate in live workshops and events on a weekly basis. Every month we hold over 50 events to engage with the community for shared learning and collective evolution.
These events are available at the Initiate Level and up.
Mystic Life Support
**Mystic Exclusive
Mystic Life Support is a bi-weekly meeting amongst mystics for energy work, wisdom teachings, group exercises and focused and personalized coaching and training.
Wisdom Moon Ceremonies
Every Full Moon, Initiates and Mystics gather together on a live call to explore a sacred subject with great depth. No stone is left un-turned as we go deeper into new subjects every full moon that passes.
Manifestation Moon Ceremonies
Every New Moon, Initiates and Mystics gather together in a live-stream to support each other in living our dreams, through conscious intention and purposeful meditation.
Breath is life. Join us each week as we deepen our capacity for breath and raise our awareness of its ebb and flow as a tool and a gift.
Spirit Circle
A bi-weekly gathering for all members to come together, share ideas, discuss life events, work through challenges and create healing and higher awareness together.
Every day brings a new opportunity to meditate. Members connect live to meditate and strengthen their connection to the divine through group meditation and social engagement.
Every week, Initiates and Mystics gather together on a live call to practice Yoga together, to breathe in harmony, and bring fresh energy into their lives.